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The Official Website of the Northwest Athletic Conference

NWAC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Mission Statement

The NWAC DEI Committee is committed to developing and fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment within the NWAC, in and out of competition, in the pursuit to be free of bias or favoritism.

Core Values

Awareness, Empathy, Respect

Short-Term Goals

  • Provide DEI professional development and educational resources for NWAC commissioners, coaches, and student-athletes.
  • Identify opportunities to enhance and implement DEI best practices within the NWAC organization through its governance structure, policies, procedures and processes.

Strategic Partners

AAWCC logo


American Association for Women in Community Colleges (AAWCC)

MOAA logo


Minority Opportunities Athletic Association (NACDA affiliate)

RISE logo


Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality

Perspective Taking  |  What is racism?

WeCOACH logo


Support in recruiting, advancing, and retaining women coaches through year-round professional growth and leadership development programs.

Committee Members - Administrators

Brittany Davis Spokane East Head Women's Basketball Coach
Jim Fitzgerald Spokane East Athletic Director/Dean of Physical Education & Recreation
Dr. Kim Hyatt Mt. Hood South Dean of Health, Physical Education, Athletics, Aquatics, & Recreation
Christine Nelson Rogue South Interim Athletic Director, Head Volleyball Coach
Nicole Nsa Everett North Head Women's Soccer Coach
Rob Pedicone Whatcom North Athletic Director
Darah Vining South Puget Sound West Assistant Athletic Director, Head Women's Basketball Coach
Tyrone White Portland South Assistant Athletic Director
Alli Young NWAC NWAC Director of Operations

Committee Representatives - Student-Athletes 

(Archive of student-athlete committee members)  Interested in joining? Reach out to Alli Young

Adriana Barbee Highline West Tennis coming soon!
Shanna Chua Bellevue North Tennis  coming soon!
Jacob Dodge Linn-Benton South Baseball  coming soon!
Lyndzie Filla Centralia West Volleyball  CLICK HERE
Jeremiah Lewis S. Puget Sound West Basketball  CLICK HERE
Ciara Mennitto Grays Harbor West Softball  coming soon!
Darius Nowotny Whatcom North Soccer  CLICK HERE
Artem Rozhko Treasure Valley East Soccer & Tennis  coming soon!


Advancement of Blacks in Sports The voice of racial equity in sports.
Anti-Racism Handout Provided by RISE. Other RISE resources can be found HERE.
Anti-Racism Project  
Black Lives Matter  
Black Women in Sports Foundation A nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase the involvement of black women and girls in all aspects of sport, including athletics, coaching and administration. 
Glossary of Terms Provided by RISE.
Harvard's Implicit Bias Tests A social justice education firm that uses conversation to educate and empower those within athletics through an anti-racist lens on issues of race, inclusion, intersectionality, diversity, and equity.
LGBTQ+ Resources Tacoma Community College resources page.
NCAA Office of Inclusion  
OSAA Support & Equity Resources Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) Support & Equity Resources
Racial Equity Tools  
Racial Equity Vision Statement 2019 Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) System Vision Statement  
WIAA DEI Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

NWAC Member School Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Websites

Bellevue Big Bend Blue Mountain Centralia Chemeketa Clackamas
Clark Columbia Basin Columbia Gorge Douglas Everett Edmonds
Grays Harbor Green River Highline Lane Linn-Benton Lower Columbia
Mt. Hood Olympic Peninsula Pierce Portland Rogue
Shoreline Skagit Valley South Puget Sound Southwestern Oregon Spokane Tacoma
Treasure Valley Umpqua Walla Walla Wenatchee Valley Whatcom Yakima Valley

Tribal Land Acknowledgements

Douglas College (Canada) - QayQayt and Kwikwetlem First Nations Indigenous Student Services
Everett Community College - Tulalip Tribes, the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe and the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians. Land Acknowledgement
Lower Columbia College - Cowlitz Indian Tribe Land Acknowledgement
South Puget Sound Community College Native Land Acknowledgement Land Acknowledgement
Community Colleges of Spokane - Spokane Tribe, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Kalispel Tribe Land Acknowledgement
Tacoma Community College - Puyallup Tribe, a member of the Coast Salish tribal peoples Land Acknowledgement