Donate to the NWAC Cultivation Fund
The NWAC Cultivation Fund serves as the fundraising platform of the NWAC as a 501(c)3 nonprofit and supports:
- 4,200+ student-athletes
- 1,000+ coaches
- 280+ teams
- 36 member schools, located across two U.S. states (WA and OR) and one in British Columbia, Canada
- 15 championship events annually
- 7 annual scholarships
- 4 geographic regions
As an NWAC cultivator, you will:
- Increase and enhance scholarships for student-athletes moving on to the four-year level.
- The NWAC has nearly tripled the number of scholarships given in just the last few years!
- Continue to elevate the championship experience for athletes, coaches, administrators, officials, fans and staff.
- Provide support to DEI and women-centered initiatives for professional development and networking.
- Deepen the roots of the NWAC within our local communities, globally, and demonstrate to NWAC student-athletes that they are supported.
Cultivate with us today, for tomorrow!
Step 2: Complete your donation via the DONATE NOW button above, or linked on the donation pledge form.
Step 3: That's it! You're officially a cultivator of the NWAC!
All donations are tax-deductible. Donations help the conference provide scholarships and off-set the cost of travel, hotels, and fees associated with Championship events.
Kanyon Anderson
Nancy & Eric Anderson
Marco & Penny Azurdia
Cheryl Batschi
Jeff Beha
Bellevue College Baseball
Bellevue College Softball
Bellevue College Volleyball
Bellevue College Men’s Soccer
Bellevue College Women’s Soccer
Bellevue College Men’s Golf
Bellevue College Women’s Golf
Bellevue College Men’s Tennis
Bellevue College Women’s Tennis
Bellevue College Men’s Basketball
Bellevue College Women’s Basketball
Cassie Belmodis
Joe Bloggs Dale Bolinger
Daryle Broadsword Ken Burrus
Steve Calhoun
Columbia Basin College Volleyball
Columbia Basin College Men’s Soccer
Columbia Basin College Women’s Soccer
Columbia Basin College Men’s Basketball
Columbia Basin Ciollege Women’s Basketball
Columbia Basin College Men’s Golf
Columbia Basin College Women’s Golf
Columbia Basin College Baseball
Columbia Basin College Softball
Allen Courter
Alison Crumb
Dr. Pete Dufour
Jeremy Eggers
Everett Community College Men’s Track & Field
Eric & Jayme Frazier
Farmland Fruit
Grays Harbor Athletics Grays Harbor College Men's Basketball Rich and Barbara Haldi
Donna Hays
David & Traci Hilligoss
Carl Howell
Jake Hughes
Lisa and Stephen Krous
Lane Community College Track & Field
Alex & Cassandra (Krous) Milden
Anne Morter
Jeffrey Nichols
Julio and Mary Lou Pastrana
Shannon & Shawn Percell
Darci Peterson
Jason Prenovost
Jennifer Rhodes
Dr. Luke Robins
Donald Rollman
Rick Ross
Greg Sheley
Shoreline Community College Softball Skagit Valley College Women's Basketball Spencer & Abby Stark
Tracy & Debbie Swisher
Treasure Valley Community College Men’s Tennis
Treasure Valley Community College Men’s Track & Field
Umpqua Community College Men's Basketball Roger and Pamela Valentine
Mary Anne Verigan
Walla Walla Community College Volleyball
Walla Walla Community College Men’s Soccer
Walla Walla Community College Women’s Soccer
Walla Walla Community College Men’s Basketball
Walla Walla Community Ciollege Women’s Basketball
Walla Walla Community College Men’s Golf
Walla Walla Community College Women’s Golf
Walla Walla Community College Baseball
Walla Walla Community College Softball
Jim Walton
Scott Weishaar Wenatchee Valley College Men’s Basketball
Whatcom Community College Women's Basketball
Alex & Alli Young
Harland & Kay Yriarte